Sunday, July 4, 2010

This one goes out to you... black bird

I hate this thing... in case you hadn't noticed by the lack of anything from the last like month or two?
Shit... It's been a long time.

I just wanna say this... You can call it what you want to call it... But I am dependent on alcohol more than anyone can understand... at nights I travel down to my liquor cabinet and feel the hinges of the door... they're always cold... like Dad's ears when I used to grab at those. Nothing can make me feel more natural... Nothing makes me feel more like I'm living... than you.
Caught you by surprise there didn't I!
You've changed me... uprooted my dependencies and you've... I don't know changed them around. They're better now. Now I can truly be on a boat and not be drunk. I can sway and swim and do what I will, without help. Nothing can make me feel more pride than the answers to Erica Mcgee I give, "Yes. She's mine." After sloping for so long I ,literally and metaphorically, have a better posture. Life isn't a burden.
You're so real. You're always right there in front of me. What is it I said some random night? These are times of the good? It didn't make sense but... I meant it. This is thank you. This is thank you for making life, well, life.
Your crazy, Charlie Sevy, and I love it. Don't you change a thing. Not even your speech impediment.
Call me when you see this... I just wanna know if you actually will read it.

P.S. sorry to anyone I made throw up... but like only a little

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