Monday, December 13, 2010

My Beautiful Friend

My beautiful Friend...
The one who doesn't see her own beauty
The one who can't accept a compliment
The one who never believes a word I say
The one who makes me cry because I love her
The one who can't comprehend the fact that upon meeting, one feels the need to know her
The one who kills me and herself
The one who gives me gum smiles when I make fun of her
The one I love
The one who will figure herself out in college
The one who can't handle professional help right now
The one who just needs to be barely out of reach of the knife until she gets out of this town
The one who doesn't belong in the heat, but in the snow where she can cuddle and keep me warm
The one who WILL fall in love
The skinny, potential model of a best friend I have

I have news for you my love, you CAN compete.
You'll get out of here and you'll find a mirror in Oregon. Or Canada. Or wherever the fuck it is you hurry off too after you graduate and you'll look at yourself and say... DAMN GINA. Because you're beautiful. And you won't believe us until then, and it kills me, but you'll have that moment and you'll call us all up and say You were right. I'm fucking gorgeous. And you'll hurry off to the club looking dazzling and get fucked by some ripped truck driver or some bullshit. And you'll contract some STD's or whatever. But you'll look down at your infested crabs nest and quietly whisper to yourself, "It's coming out like a BABY!!!!" and when you look up at that mirror, you'll see that god damn ugly fucking gum smile and even softer you'll say, "That's the only ugly thing I can do."

But until then. Your done drinking. HAHAHAHAHA hearts bunnies butterflies flowers.

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