Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Can't Get No Flippin BIscuits

Damn the talks today were good
But it doesn't change anything
It needs to be stopped
Unless you stop fighting it
But you won't and thats fine
I just have to find someone who will help me out of your rut

Speaking of someone to help me out of said rut
Thanks, YOU, you don't know this is you
You never will
but each time I put a foot in the pool
I step out and find you
Its weird
But i don't know how to say this except that this is YOU

whatever there's no way to say it hahahaha
I'll try another time but for now
its time for (the other) you and I to enjoy these last hours with eachother
It's always been up to you
So if you were that strongly feelin it
I think you would sacrifice it
That's how i know i like us better than you like us
Because I would sacrifice it
That's how I know

and i get it...
don't think this is me saying that your a bitch or anything (even though you are hehehe)
but just don't say that
cause its not true and it's a lie

p.s. You know who you are?
Your fucking C.S. Lewis
Welcome to Narnia

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